Looking for something to do this summer?
Ms. Leslie has compiled a list of amazing opportunities.
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澳大利亚交流计划 for 24-25
- Download the Information letter here
- Download the Application form WORD Version
- Download the Application PDF Version
- 2023-24 School Year 日历 at-a-Glance
- 贝尔时间表23-24
- 着装规范2023-24
- SNAP健康门户信息
- 体育手册2023-24
- 学生手册2023-24
- 《十大彩票平台周刊》2023-24期后刊
2023-24 School Year 日历 at-a-Glance
Not really sure how to scan a document, especially if it is several pages long? We do prefer that documents uploaded to the SNAP Health portal be in the .pdf format and that multi page documents be combined into one.
Although there are many cell phone apps that will turn a multi-page document into a single .pdf file, we have found that Adobe Scan is the easiest. Please look for it in your app store. 这个视频 向您展示使用它是多么容易.
If you use your cell phone and the Adobe Scan app, you can attach and email the document to yourself so that you can use a computer to upload it. We have found that the actual step of uploading seems to work better on a computer. If you don’t have a family computer, feel free to use your child’s 十大彩票平台 laptop!
扫描电镜的t恤 & SWEATSHIRTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT 十大彩票平台! 看到女士. 米尔斯在体育办公室
Mr. Schooley taught history here at 十大彩票平台 from 1967 until his retirement in 2010. This book is a result of his years of teaching and an effort to create a textbook which is both challenging, 但也对经济管理学院的学生开放. He has continued to update this online version throughout his retirement. The book includes a new chapter detailing the war in the Ukraine.
服务@ 十大彩票平台
The goal of Sem’s 社区服务 Program is to inspire and facilitate a giving spirit in each of you, so that reaching out to others and giving of one’s time and energy become a way of life.
Service Learning and Community Engagement are important concepts in the community service world. The premise is that it takes time, effort, and consistency to cultivate a giving spirit. By actively engaging with one or many organizations over the course of the school year, you can be a part of the wider 水牛 community. A lot of learning goes on, and before you know it, you will have accumulated service hours!
- Each student is expected to complete a minimum of 10 hours of service each year.
- All service hours are to be recorded online. 每个项目一个条目.
- Students may participate in 十大彩票平台 organized projects or ones that you have discovered for yourself.
- All work that is voluntary and that assists others will be counted as community service hours.
- Projects completed during the summer will be counted toward that coming year’s goal.
- Hours will be tabulated throughout the year so that you can monitor your progress to the 10-hour per year goal. This information is found on the 社区服务 Page.
- Advisors will also be informed of their advisees’ hours.
- 社区服务 hours will be recorded on each student’s transcript at the end of the year.
Let’s get out there and make a difference!
十大彩票平台学生和Ms. 更多的, 社区服务顾问, help to clean up Scajaquada Creek as part of the 水牛-Niagara Waterkeeper Shoreline Sweep.
服务@ 十大彩票平台活动日历
Email to sign up for volunteering here: buffalo@tenthousandvillages.
Volunteering would be coming into the store on a casual basis to assist with day-to-day tasks: stocking, 调整显示, 清洁, and talking to customers about products and the fair trade mission. An internship would be more structured and for a specific duration of time where the student would focus on a longer special project that helps the store. The project could be catered to the student's specific interests about fair trade.
If you are interested in preparing a meal or volunteering in some other capacity at the Kevin Guest House, 请联系 凯蒂·奥尔.
Anyone 16 years and older can volunteer. Volunteers are needed in many capacities. Some examples of posts are greeting visitors and offering directions at the entrances, assisting visitors in the studios with drop-in art activities, lending a hand with public art projects, offering surveys to visitors prior to leaving, 和更多的. Detailed duties for each role are found within event postings on Volunteer Hub.
准备好全球十大网赌正规平台了吗? 在此完成您的个人资料,然后选择入职日期.
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